mercredi 4 décembre 2013

American boxer Mike Tyson Treu Story

 American boxer Mike Tyson Story

 American boxer Mike Tyson Story
Mike Tyson  born in June 30, 1966  is an American boxer .Adanaspor Mike Tyson's professional boxing at a young age and then became the heavy weight champion of the pro, dubbed the " Iron ", a close friend of the American rapper " 2Pac " who was assassinated after Tyson's famous match in 1996.1997 - Boxer lost " Mike Tyson " in front of his rival, " Evander Holyfield " when the first bite the second part of the ear during the course of the game .
Tyson entered the prison for the rape of a black girl , a case was said to have fabricated to avenge the Black Star , and in prison, you know some of the people who convinced him to Islam and announced his conversion to Islam and called himself Omar Abdel Aziz, and then it was changed to the owner of Tyson . And reminded fans of boxing during his first appearance on the boxing ring after his release from prison has raised his white flags and grow takbeers Islam . The move in the eyes of some observers , a maneuver to improve his image in front of Americans , especially , " African-Americans " after his conviction in the rape case .Since his release from prison went into financial problems because of the debt that has accumulated on it.Tyson retired from boxing after several consecutive defeats after nearly becoming a legend in that game like its predecessor Mohamed Ali Clay .. but that his style inside the ring is becoming a reference for many amateurs to play a wicked ..

Forced himself to overeating and weight to be close to his beloved

Forced himself to overeating and weight to be close to his beloved
 Usually it is women who lose the weight to be somewhat comparable to the weight of her husband , but this is the Chinese who was 63 kilo forced himself to overeating and weight to be close to his lover and therefore can marry her . Chinese refused to allow the weight difference that keeps him away from his bride weighing 130 kilograms, Vmutir that earns 20 kilograms in 3 months to become more consistent with his body . The newspaper " Global Times" Chinese Liu Ru from Henan Province was weighed 63 kilos only in July , when he married Zhang Kinghoa weighing 130 kilograms, said Liu , who is 25 years old, he is over- eating since his marriage, has managed to earn 20 kilograms so far and added: " My goal is to reach 100 kg ." Liu pointed out that Zhang tried to lose some weight , too, has already lost 10 kilos , but her health deteriorated , and Liu has faced a lot of problems in persuading his family to accept Zhang old 26 years because of his wife weight difference between the two.

Increased one hundred kilo in weight to marry a thick      زاد 100 كيلو في الوزن ديالو باش يتزوج وحدة غليظة
Forced himself to overeating and weight to be close to his beloved
أجبر نفسه على الإفراط في الأكل ليكون وزنه قريباً من حبيبته
  زاد 100 كيلو في الوزن ديالو باش يتزوج وحدة غليظة

عادة المرأة هي التي تخسر من وزنها لتكون إلى حد ما مقاربة لوزن زوجها، لكن هذا الصيني الذي كان يبلغ 63 كيلو أجبر نفسه على الإفراط في الأكل ليكون وزنه قريباً من حبيبته وبالتالي يستطيع الزواج بها. رفض صيني أن يسمح لفارق الوزن بأن يبعده عن عروسه التي يبلغ وزنها 130 كيلوغراماً، فحرص على أن يكسب 20 كيلوغراماً في 3 أشهر ليصبح جسمه أكثر تناسقاً معها. وذكرت صحيفة "غلوبال تايمز" الصينية أن ليو رو من مقاطعة هنان كان وزنه 63 كيلوغراماً فقط في يوليو، حين تزوج من تشانغ كينغهوا التي يبلغ وزنها 130 كيلوغراماً، وقال ليو البالغ من العمر 25 عاماً إنه يفرط في الأكل منذ زواجه، وقد تمكن من كسب 20 كيلوغراماً حتى الآن وأضاف "هدفي الوصول إلى 100 كيلوغرام". وأشار ليو إن تشانغ حاولت أن تخسر بعض الوزن أيضاً، وقد فقدت بالفعل 10 كيلوغرامات ولكن صحتها تدهورت، وكان ليو قد واجه الكثير من المشاكل في إقناع عائلته بقبول تشانغ البالغة من العمر 26 سنة زوجة له بسبب فارق الوزن بينهما

أجبر نفسه على الإفراط في الأكل ليكون وزنه قريباً من حبيبته
  زاد 100 كيلو في الوزن ديالو باش يتزوج وحدة غليظة
Forced himself to overeating and weight to be close to his beloved
keywords : Real life stories, exciting stories, real stories, moving stories, stories and realistic, love stories, strange stories, love stories, stories of kids, fictional stories, short stories, stories and through stories, movies, stories of the prophets, stories, Islamic stories marital,